Slavery and human trafficking statement


The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“act”) was introduced to help eradicate slavery, forced labour and human trafficking in the operations and supply chains of companies. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54, Part 6 of the act and includes information about our company, its own operations and supply chains, and how we are approaching the eradication of slavery and human trafficking within our business.

Our commitment

We are committed to preventing and mitigating exploitation, bribery and corruption.  We will not accept modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking anywhere within our operations or supply chain.   Our commitment is set out in further detail in our Modern Slavery policy.

Due diligence

As part of our approach to maintaining a supply chain that is free of modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking, we require all commercial organisations working with us to provide a copy or link to their anti-slavery statement.

Where such a statement does not exist (for example, where the bidder does not meet the act’s criteria for a statement to be produced), we require a statement from the bidder confirming that it is committed to and acts according to the moral principles of the act.

Through our standard contract we require suppliers to report any breach or suspected breach of the act associated with our contract to us immediately.  We reserve our rights to terminate contracts with suppliers in the event that there is evidence of non-compliance with the act.

Training and awareness raising

All staff must read the Modern Slavery policy and this statement is shared with all staff.

Staff are expected to familiarise themselves with the key requirements of the act and their responsibility as individuals to report behaviour which they believe suggests a breach of the act. Our whistle blowing policy includes appropriate guidance for staff in reporting any suspicion of inappropriate or illegal behaviours.  Concerns can also be raised with line managers.